In October 2013, I purchased a pair of photographs on eBay which appear
to illustrate an early episode in the history of neutral buoyancy by water
immersion: Figure 1, labeled 69442B, and Figure 2, labeled 69471B. They were
listed on eBay under the title, “2 ASTRONAUT [sic] UNDER WATER GENERAL DYNAMICS
(181234004788#).” The eBay seller provided no provenance or additional
information. All I know is what was stamped and written on the backs of the
photographs: the photo numbers and the notations “unclassified,” “General
Dynamics,” and “Convair Division.” Since then, I have been trying to uncover the
story behind these pictures.
Figure 1. General Dynamics, Convair Division, photo 69442B.
Figure 2. General Dynamics, Convair Division, photo 69471B.
Nowadays everyone knows that astronauts train underwater for their spacewalks,
or extravehicular activities (EVA). It was even featured prominently in the
movie “Armageddon” (IMDb, 1998), probably the
closest thing to “correct” in the whole movie.
The Convair Division of General Dynamics was in San Diego, California. A
quick query to Francis French at the San Diego Air & Space Museum,
repository for many of the company’s documents and records, did not yield any
insights. It became clear that if I was to learn more about this particular activity,
it would come from an analysis of the photos themselves.
Luckily, this pair of images seems as if it were composed specifically
to tutor me on a step-wise analysis, starting with the human figure, working
outward to the setting and ending (I hope) with a date and a context for the
activity in the pictures. The steps of the analysis practically suggested
- Person(s)
- Central person(s), typically the test subject or trainee
- Supporting person(s)
- Body-worn equipment
- Garments
- Real or simulated life support equipment
- Tools
- Activities
- Test fixture
- Setting
- Time factors
- Approximate calendar date
- Temporal relationship of images
I already knew that GD was an early developer of neutral buoyancy
techniques using water immersion for astronaut training and procedures
development (Mattingly and Charles, 2013). The company was certainly no stranger to
neutral buoyancy, but at a different scale than a single astronaut: it has been
building submarines for the U.S. Navy since 1900 (General Dynamics, 1998).
GD came close to
becoming the first contractor to provide such training to NASA’s Gemini
astronauts. In July 1966, NASA astronaut Scott Carpenter visited GD’s underwater
facility in San Diego and was impressed with their capabilities. He was
familiar with Convair from previous visits, starting in 1959 to monitor the
development and construction of the Atlas rockets which boosted the Mercury
capsules into low Earth orbit (Voas, 1960).
Carpenter was on his way
back to Houston intending to recommend that the company train the Gemini
astronauts. But he was diverted
to Baltimore, Maryland, apparently with no more information than to visit a
group of contractors at the McDonogh School in nearby Owings Mills. He arrived
unannounced at the school’s pool where he witnessed the neutral buoyancy
capabilities developed by Environmental Research Associates (ERA). What he saw
at McDonogh changed his mind, and soon thereafter Gemini astronauts arrived at
the McDonogh School for EVA training (Mattingly and Charles, 2013).
I don’t know what he had seen in San Diego, but whatever it was is
important for an understanding of NASA’s decision to go with ERA.
Persons. There was one central
person in both images. Figure 2 also included a second person, probably a
safety diver or in-water observer: note the second person’s right hand and forearm
in a wetsuit visible behind the central person’s right elbow, and his right leg
visible through the circular opening to the left of the central person’s right
Body-worn equipment. The central
person was wearing a full-pressure suit, apparently an Arrowhead version of the
B.F. Goodrich Mark 4 garment (Young, 2009, pp. 16-23),
judging from its distinctive features including its unique zipper configuration
(Figure 3). The suits shown in Figures 1 and 2 may have been different suits
based on some visible structural details, although differences in lighting may
explain the variation. The garments were apparently pressurized with water, not
air, as indicated by the absence of external ballast on the torso and limbs and
by the scuba mask visible inside the closed helmet. It appears that the transparent
helmet visor has been removed to accommodate the scuba mask, but the visor frame
assembly appears intact. The helmet was prominently
(and conveniently) labeled “General Dynamics” and “Convair Division.”
Figure 3. Arrowhead variant of B.F. Goodrich Mark 4 suit.
Identification based on specific features in both Figures 1 and 2 and in image
of Mark 4 from National Air and Space Museum: red, lower left leg fitting;
green, upper left leg fitting; blue, right thorax fitting; yellow, right
forearm corrugation unique to Arrowhead variants (see also corrugated sections
visible above and below knees, and below elbows in all three images;
corrugations around waist not visible in General Dynamics suit, and above elbow
only in Figure 1). (Photo credits: General Dynamics, left and center; National
Air and Space Museum, right.)
Life support for the central figure appears to have been provided by a
large diameter pressurized hose extending horizontally underwater to the central
person from out of frame at the left. It seems to have connected to the upper
back of the test subject, between the helmet and the middle of his back. A
thinner black cable, possibly a telephone line, was bundled with the pressure
hose. In Figure 2, the pressurized hose was secured to the test fixture,
possibly to provide stress relief and facilitate mobility by the test subject.
The central person was also wearing what appears to be a white mockup of
a Garrett AiResearch EVA Life Support System (ELSS) (Figure 4) on his chest in Figure
2 only. This identification is based on the location and size of the unit, and
its distinctive top panel (Thomas and McMann, 2006, pp. 66-7).
Figure 4. Astronaut Edwin Aldrin in 30-foot vacuum chamber of
the McDonnell Aircraft Co., St. Louis, Mo., on Aug. 15, 1966, wearing Garrett
AiResearch EVA Life Support System (ELSS) and Ling-Temco-Vought Co. (LTV)
Astronaut Maneuvering Unit (AMU) for U.S. Air Force experiment D012. ELSS is on
his chest, and AMU is his large backpack. (Photo NASA S66-51073, 1966.)
Tools. In both pictures, the
central person appeared to have his left leg inside a loose strap attached to
what might have been a simplified wooden mockup of the Astronaut Maneuvering
Unit (AMU) (Figure 4). The AMU was developed by the Ling-Temco-Vought Co. for
the U.S. Air Force experiment D012 (Shayler, 2004, p. 57). Its tentative identification
derives from features suggesting over-the-shoulder thruster assemblies and
side-mounted hand controllers, and from the curved cut-out at its top to
accommodate the wearer’s helmet, all present in the AMU (Figure 5). However, its
front-to-back depth and the detail of the over-the-shoulder and side-mounted
features merely suggest the structure of the corresponding features of the AMU;
perhaps the GD mockup represented only the aspect of the AMU which would have
interfaced with the astronaut’s suit and body. The visible straps around the
subject’s left leg differ between the photographs: in Figure 1, there was a
section of black fabric, presumably Velcro, while in Figure 2 the corresponding
area appears white.
Figure 5. General Dynamics’ possible mockup (left image) of
LTV AMU (right image). Detail from Figure 1 shows mockup elements corresponding
to features on AMU: semi-circular cut-out for wearer’s helmet (bracketed at top
of both images); over-shoulder protuberances in mockup corresponding to reverse
thrusters (middle two-headed arrow); lower protuberances on mockup correspond
to hand-controller mounts on AMU (bottom two-headed arrow). Scale model at
right illustrates astronaut position during AMU operations. (Photo credits:
General Dynamics, ca. 1964, left image; John Charles at National Museum of U.S.
Air Force, 2011, right image).
A thin curved pipe or tube, apparently metallic and connected to the
top of the AMU mockup (seen more clearly in Figure 1), was used by the central
person as a hand-hold, but was not present on the LTV AMU.
The presumed AMU is seen in both photographs to be in proximity to the
large test fixture, orthogonally aligned in Figure 1 but slightly askew in Figure
2, indicating that may have been loosely affixed to the test fixture.
Activities. In Figure 2, the
central person’s umbilical appeared to originate out of frame to the left, and
was routed through the open top side of the cylindrical structure, or tunnel,
before exiting through the open end of the tunnel and then connecting to the
figure. Apparently the central person had translated out of the tunnel through
its open end before arriving at his work site, suggesting egress from an
airlock for the EVA.
The central person interacted with the faux AMU in an unlikely manner. His left leg, but not his right
leg, was behind a loose strap attached to the AMU. This is true in both
photographs, suggesting it was a common practice and therefore intentional.
However, it is not consistent with astronaut interaction with the AMU in other
testing or spaceflight settings. There is no sign of any mobility aids or
restraints as were provided for in-flight AMU activities (see Figure 6). In
fact, there are no hand holds or mobility aids visible anywhere on structure.
Figure 6. Astronaut Eugene Cernan in weightlessness training
aboard KC-135 wearing ELSS and AMU. Note handholds and foot restraints as flown
on Gemini-9, which were notably absent in Figures 1 and 2. (Photo credit: NASA,
Test fixture. The dominant
feature of both photographs was a wooden framework about 10 feet (3.0 meters)
tall, about 6 feet (1.8 meters) wide at its widest point, and about 12 feet
(3.7 meters) in length. It was apparently painted, and what would have been contiguous
surfaces were substituted by a metal mesh. The largest portion was laterally
dissimilar: a large half-cylinder was mated to a rectangular structure. There
was a triangular brace in the top half of main cylinder. The smaller portion
was the tubular tunnel, about 3 feet (1 meter) diameter and 8 feet (2.4
meters) long, attached to the lower center of main section. A wire mesh disc at
the unattached end of the tunnel may have simulated a hatch cover, shown swung
open toward the right (Figure 2). Both the hatch end of the tunnel and the
larger section appeared to be weighted down by ballast in fabric bags about 6
inches across.
Given the aerospace nature of work done by GD and the astronautical
appearance of the central person, the test fixture may have been a representation
of a then-current spacecraft design. The pairing of a tunnel and a large
broad-faced bulkhead suggest either the Gemini-B/Manned Orbiting Laboratory
(MOL) program of the Air Force or NASA’s Apollo Lunar Module (LM) docked to
its Command Module.
The Gemini-B/MOL interpretation is unlikely for several geometrical
reasons: the tunnel appears straight, whereas the tunnel from the MOL to the
Gemini-B heat shield was angled and bent; the tunnel terminated too close to
the periphery of the presumed heat shield, and at its bottom instead of at its
top; and the diameter of the large element appears greater than the Gemini heat
shield diameter (Figure 7).
Figure 7. Gemini-B/MOL tunnel configuration in artist’s
concept from McDonnell Aircraft Company in 1967 compared with configuration of
General-Dynamics mockup in Figures 2. Large bulkhead (bracketed in upper image)
in mockup has different features and size than Gemini-B heat shield (bracketed
in lower image). Tunnels in mockup and concept (indicated by two-headed arrows)
have different diameter and shape. (Photo credit: McDonnell Aircraft Co., ca.
Figure 8. Two-headed arrows indicate points of
correspondence supporting the tentative identification of the General Dynamics
test fixture as a version of the Lunar Module (LM) TM-1 mockup configuration,
showing ascent stage (upper portion) with newly-added triangular windows for
standing (not seated) astronauts but retaining round forward hatch originally
intended for docking with Command Module. TM-1 was current between March 1964
and January 1965. (Photo credit: Grumman, 1964.)
Instead, the large element had some features which may correspond to
the structure of the ascent stage and crew compartment of an early version of the
LM (Figure 8). Of prime significance is a recessed triangular frame
with a wire mesh interior, which appears to represent the forward facing window
in the left half of the LM crew cabin. The triangular windows are unique to the
LM, so their inclusion is strong evidence that this is a LM mockup. This is
further supported by the combination of the rectangular central portion, from
the bottom of which the tunnel exits, and the recessed rounded portion in the
right half of the picture, which represented the left half of the cylindrical
crew cabin. The round opening at the bottom of the rectangular section could
have been the circular hatch once planned for the LM, which by 1964 was simply
a vestige of its discarded role as a docking port (Aviation Week & Space
Technology, 1964);
by January 1965 it had been replaced by the familiar square hatch. Together
they resemble most of the LM crew cabin structure, minus the corresponding
rounded portion on the photo-left of the rectangular structure, which would
have represented the right half of the cylindrical crew cabin. These features
correspond to the stage of LM evolution represented by the TM-1 mockup, which
was current between March 1964 and January 1965 (Godwin, 2007, pp. 72-3).
The tubular tunnel terminating in the circular LM hatch might have
simulated the tunnel of another spacecraft which would have been docked to the
front port of the LM. However, there is no external structure around the
tunnel, and as described above such a docking is inconsistent with the inferred
stage of LM development. Therefore, the tunnel attached to it does not reflect
a contemporary aspect of the Apollo LM or its counterpart the Command Module.
Perhaps it represents an airlock attached to the front port of the LM
(Figure 9). This might have been part of a proposal to use the LM in an
Earth-orbiting research or operations role. Such an application is not shown
among the options for LM-derived vehicles advertised by Grumman (Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corp., 1970), but it may have
been considered briefly nonetheless.
Figure 9. Author’s concept of an airlock or other tubular
structure attached to LM forward hatch. The right-hand panel in this image
illustrates a hypothetical explanation of the mockup shown in the left-hand
panel, but no such spacecraft concept is known from the available literature. Or
it might just be a product of my pareidolia. (Photo credits: left, General
Dynamics; right, John Charles, 2014.)
There was a proposal to use the LM for long-duration lunar surface
habitation (NASA, 1967, p.
which incorporated an airlock to minimize the loss of cabin atmosphere during
repeated EVAs (Figure 10). However, that was a 1967 concept for use in a
gravitational environment (albeit 1/6-g), not a ca. 1964 concept for
weightlessness, and that airlock was noticeably different from the structure in
Figures 1 and 2.
Figure 10. Lunar Module Shelter concept with airlock
(circled in red). LM Shelter was proposed to support multi-week lunar surface
missions in the Apollo Applications Program. This is the closest match to the concept
illustrated in Fig. 9. (Photo credit: NASA, 1967.)
In light of this uncertainty, it is possible that the test fixture in
Figures 1 and 2 may simply represent a generic LM-derived spacecraft concept
for the neutral buoyancy activities being undertaken, and its specific features
were not intended to correspond to actual or planned spacecraft.
The test fixture was apparently repositioned in the interval between
Figures 1 and 2. In Figure 1, the rectangular component appeared nearly aligned
with the three vertical lights between two windows. In Figure 2, the
rectangular component was more aligned with the middle of the observation
window to the left of the three lights. The ballast bags appear not to have
been rearranged, indicating that the fixture was moved but not emersed and
Setting. Both photographs
were made in the same facility, a water tank about 10 feet deep. If the large
element of the test fixture represents the Lunar Module ascent stage (Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corp., 1964), then the depth of
water required to submerge it completely (as demonstrated in Figure 2) was 9.4
feet (2.9 meters). The scenes in both images were well-lighted for photography
purposes: from above water, perhaps using natural sunlight, suggested by the
refraction patterns of surface ripples on the floor in Figure 1, and also
apparently from a subsurface light source, out of frame left, judging from the
shadows in Figure 2. The facility had at least three large distinctive observation
windows and arrangements for subsurface lighting, suggesting a public facility
for underwater shows or exhibitions. Thus, the setting was presumably an
existing underwater exhibition facility in the San Diego area, in proximity to
A Google search of public aquariums near San Diego produced two
possible venues. The Aquarium of the Pacific
in Long Beach, California, was established in 1998, according to the response
to an email query, and was thus not a candidate. The Birch Aquarium at the
Scripps Institute of Oceanography
was opened in 1992, and was likewise not a candidate. However, it was preceded
by the T. Wayland Vaughn Scripps Aquarium-Museum in La Jolla, California, which
existed from 1951 to 1992. A photograph (Figure 11) from the 1967 annual report
(Scripps Institute of Oceanography, 1967, p. 35) shows what may be an
interior view of one of its distinctive windows; it appears similar to the
windows in Figures 1 and 2. Thus the Vaughn Aquarium may have been the setting
for the neutral buoyancy activities in the photographs. However, some questions
remain to be answered, such as how a tank which was presumably a habitat for
its marine occupants came to be emptied, cleaned and made available for GD’s
Figure 11. Fred Spiess (right), Director of Scripps
Institute of Oceanography, speaking with Donald Wilkie (left), Curator of the
Vaughn Aquarium-Museum ca 1966. Note similarity of observation windows to
windows in Figures 1 and 2. (Photo credit: Scripps Institute of Oceanography,
Time. GD’s use of neutral
buoyancy techniques was limited to the early to mid 1960s based on other
evidence (Mattingly and Charles, 2013). The Vaughn Aquarium
was in existence from 1951 to 1992. The Mark IV-type full pressure suits were
introduced into service by the U.S. Navy in the 1950s (Young, 2009, pp. 19, 22) and decommissioned suits
were available for widespread ground testing by 1964 (Mattingly and Charles, 2013). The presence of the
mockup ELSS in Figure 2 indicates a date between January 1964 when the ELSS
design was finalized (Thomas and McMann, 2006 p. 66) and November 1966
when the end of the Gemini program also ended use of the ELSS and presumably
its usefulness in neutral buoyancy simulations (a different system was already
in development for the upcoming Apollo flights). The faux AMU placed the date between May 1964, when LTV won the
contract to build three flight units for U.S. Air Force experiment D012 (Shayler,
2004, p. 57)
and September 1966 (Hacker and Grimwood, 1977),
when the AMU was definitively deleted from the Gemini flight program (although
the Air Force remained interested in using it for some period of time
thereafter (Wade,
The LM configuration TM-1, with its round forward hatch, was current between
March 1964 and January 1965 (Godwin, 2007, pp. 72-3).
Thus I estimate the approximate calendar date for the two images as no earlier
than May 1964, no later than September 1966, and probably not later than early
The scenarios in the two photographs are superficially similar but
contain differences indicating they are from two different sessions. Presumably
69442B preceded 69471B, and the differences between them represent improvements
or intentional modifications in the test scenario. These differences have been
discussed above and are summarized in Table 1:
Table 1. Similar and different elements of Figures 1
and 2.
Common to both Figure
1 and 2
(Figure 1) only
(Figure 2) only
Body worn equipment
Arrowhead Mk. 4 suit
bellows section visible
bellows section absent or covered
Faux AMU
orthogonal to test fixture
Velcro strip
rotated leftward re: test fixture
Velcro strip
leg behind strap
Test fixture
bags apparently not re-stacked between photographs
3 vertically-aligned lights
with window to left of 3 vertically-aligned lights
Scripps Aquarium
from above, possibly natural light
from left of scene
Time factors
same session as 69471B
same session as 69442B
The available evidence indicates that the spacecraft and tool mockups
in the photographs were likely used between mid-to-late 1964 and early 1965,
although they might have continued to be used after those dates for general studies
in neutral buoyancy.
The similarities in arrangement of the central person, the test
fixture, the background and the perspective of the photographs suggest that
they were made within a single session, perhaps showing a sequence of
activities. On closer inspection, it becomes apparent that there were
differences in lighting, body-worn equipment, features of the tools, possibly
the space suit and even the location of the test fixture (see Table 1). These
differences indicate that they were made during separate sessions, perhaps even
on different days.
It is of interest that, despite their differences, the two images show the
central person in nearly the same position and orientation with respect to the test
fixture. He was above the top of the faux
AMU, with his left leg inserted behind the same strap. This suggests that the
action was intentional and significant. However, this does not represent an
effective interface with the backpack-style AMU. Assuming a leg strap was part
of the AMU restraint system, it should not have been necessary to enter it from
the top of the unit. In addition, by early 1966, when Gemini astronauts were
training to use the AMU in flight, there was a significant set of fixtures
associated with donning it: handholds, footholds, straps and hoses (Figure 6).
Despite those aids, Gemini 9 astronaut Eugene Cernan, the first person who
attempted the task in spaceflight, abandoned the task it because the required
physical effort overwhelmed his suit cooling system (Evans, 2013).
Perhaps the simplistic approach to AMU donning shown in these images
was an early stage in the progressive development of the more robust (but still
inadequate) donning aids used on Gemini 9, but any role of GD in preparations
for AMU flights, including donning studies, has yet to be uncovered. If,
however, the tool I have identified as a faux
AMU was not, in fact, a mock AMU, then this analysis is moot, and the device
being simulated remains to be identified.
Besides the faux AMU, there
is the ambiguous test fixture and the mission it supported. Its resemblance to
an early design for the Grumman’s Lunar Module suggests that GD was evaluating
extravehicular activities associated with the Apollo program or perhaps the
follow-on Apollo Applications Program (AAP) (Wikipedia, 2014; Shayler,
which would have utilized surplus Apollo vehicles for scientific missions in
Earth orbit as well as on the Moon. Judging from the course of the life support
umbilical, the test subject had translated from the open end of the tubular
tunnel, presumably representing an airlock, to the faux AMU which was affixed to the lower left front panel of the LM
mockup, below its left forward window. While the AMU or similar maneuvering
units were considered for AAP use (Figure 12), I have not seen any plans to use
them in conjunction with a LM-derived vehicle.
Figure 12. Illustration of AMU application during an AAP
mission outfitting a Saturn IVB upper stage for future in-orbit use. (Photo
credit: Douglas Missile and Space Systems, 1965.)
What does all this mean? A great amount of detail can been inferred,
but how close have my inferences come to the reality of GD’s role in spaceflight
neutral buoyancy techniques? Were these photos really made in 1964? Where? What
were the test fixtures intended to simulate? Does 69442B predate 69471B? Why
was the scene duplicated so closely on a second occasion, and why were the
obvious changes introduced? Why have no other photos surfaced?
If in fact these images date from 1964, it was two years before
Carpenter almost recommended GD for the NASA contract. During those two years
they must have made as much progress as ERA. My colleagues Francis French and
Alan Renga at the San Diego Air & Space Museum, continued searching their General
Dynamics records and found a document dated July 1968 (Braxell and Thomson, 1968)
which reported on a different type of underwater work by subjects wearing the
Mark 4 suit as well as in a Gemini-type suit; however, it is silent on the
neutral buoyancy work illustrated in Figures 1 and 2.
I have taken my forensic analysis of these two photos as far as I can,
without new information. Additional questions include: where are the photos and
reports from 1965 and 1966 which document the capabilities that impressed
Carpenter? Who funded that work? How much longer did they pursue neutral
buoyancy work after it became obvious that NASA would not support it?
Maybe I can learn more when I am in San Diego in May 2014 for the 85th
Annual Scientific Meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association. I will visit
the San Diego Air & Space Museum, and possibly the Scripps Institute of
Oceanography. Perhaps some of the answers are awaiting me there.
[Edited for clarity, 17 Feb. 2014]
My thanks to Addie Eure, Marketing Coordinator, Birch Aquarium at
Scripps, the anonymous Guest Support Specialist, Aquarium of the Pacific, and especially
to Francis French and Alan Renga, San Diego Air & Space Museum.
Aviation Week & Space Technology. 1964. Aviation Week & Space Technology. February
10, 1964.
Braxell, R. R. and
Thomson, W. G. July 1968. Selected
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2002. Apollo: The Lost and
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Voas, Robert B.
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