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Gen. Richard Leland Bohannon, in an Associated Press wire photo released in Feb. 1964, after he became Surgeon General of the U.S. Air Force. |
In 1964 the new Surgeon General of the U.S. Air Force, Lt. Gen.
Richard Bohannon, arranged for two Air Force flight surgeons (ref. 1) per year
to train as jet pilots in hopes that some of them would become astronauts aboard the planned military Manned Orbiting Laboratory (MOL). His further
expectations are not available for analysis; a Freedom of Information request
to the Air Force did not produce any relevant information. When the MOL program
ended without any flights just five years later, 17 test pilots had been
selected as military astronauts, but no physicians. Enthusiasm for the pilot
physician program waned among Air Force leadership soon thereafter (ref. 2).
Dr. Bohannon’s efforts were consistent with the standards of
the mid-1960s. When the “other” American space program, NASA, selected
non-pilot specialists such as physicists, astronomers, geologists and
physicians to increase the scientific productivity of planned space station and
lunar exploration missions, their astronaut managers insisted that any who were
not already qualified jet pilots be sent through Air Force pilot training
before reporting for space duty (ref. 3). These managers were mostly either
test pilots or aerospace engineers accustomed to working with test pilots, and
they believed pilot training provided a minimum common background and necessary
skills to all who would be astronauts.
Despite their impressive overall credentials, not all
astronauts come to NASA with operational skills and experience. Since the
mid-1960s, NASA astronauts have primarily used the T-38N jet (the “N”
identifies NASA’s modified version of the Air Force T-38 trainer) to combine
“rapid response training” with the skills, cognitive control and urgency of
life and death decisions that is considered critical in the professional
astronaut corps. Among all of the simulators and training systems used by
astronauts, this was (and is) the only one providing an environment including acceleration
and G-loads, confined stressful physical environments, and exposure to a
realistic psychological stress environment in which participants cannot always walk
away from their mistakes. Jet aircraft training has instilled and expanded
candidates’ capability and competence in performing in a fast-paced spaceflight
environment (ref. 4).
Four physicians selected by NASA as astronauts in 1965 and
1967 dutifully entered flight training, although one left NASA in short order
for personal reasons. On graduation they joined a fifth physician-astronaut who
was already a qualified jet pilot before coming to NASA (ref. 3). Together they
embodied Dr. Bohannon’s vision of pilot-physicians eligible for space missions—but
just not in the program he originally intended.
By 1978, when NASA next recruited physicians as professional
astronauts, it no longer required pilot training for all astronauts. The Space
Shuttle era promised flights of such mild conditions that non-pilots could
successfully participate. In fact, the front seat in NASA’s two-seat T-38 jets
was eventually limited to just highly-qualified test pilots, possibly for
insurance purposes, so even the physicians NASA had earlier insisted become jet
pilots were no longer eligible to be “first pilot.” However, even today, career
astronauts who are not military pilots still maintain proficiency as back-seat
crewmembers, doing everything except the actual piloting.
Twenty-eight physicians have been chosen as professional NASA
astronauts from 1965 to 2013, including one who has only just been selected and
is not yet eligible for spaceflight and another who left NASA before becoming
eligible for spaceflight assignment (ref. 5). Of
the remaining 26, 7 have been jet qualified, including 4 who were pilots before
their selection by NASA. One physician astronaut was never assigned to a flight
and is not currently on the active roster. Another one has been assigned and is
now training for his first flight. Two others flew in space and received additional
flight assignments but were unable to complete them.
Interestingly, all four of the physicians who arrived at
NASA as qualified jet pilots were from the Navy or its sister service the
Marine Corps, not the Air Force. Three of them were products of the Navy’s
physician-pilot “dual-designator” program (ref. 6), similar to the Air Force pilot-physician
program; the fourth was a Vietnam-era Marine Corps aviator who attended medical
school after leaving the service. In fact, two of them had even been through
test pilot school (ref. 7), which qualified them to continue piloting NASA’s
training jets even when their colleagues lost that privilege. The Air Force had
apparently considered sending their pilot-physicians to test pilot school,
probably to increase their attractiveness as military astronauts, but it was
rejected as an unnecessary complexity and delay (ref. 8). Individual
pilot-physicians may have applied on their own initiative, as did these two
Navy pilot-physicians, but apparently none were successful.
When he arranged for two pilot training slots per year for
Air Force flight surgeons, Dr. Bohannon essentially posed a hypothesis: assuming
that pilot-trained physicians will be important in developing means to protect
military astronauts from the deleterious effects of long-duration spaceflight,
are they likely to be more acceptable to spaceflight managers who select pilots
to be astronauts, and thus more likely to fly on space missions? As I described
previously, renowned test pilot General Chuck Yeager oversaw the selection of
the military astronauts, who were all graduates of the test pilot school under
his command.
Quantitative analysis in this case is not straight-forward. The
independent variable is whether or not the astronaut was a military-trained
pilot. Admittedly, many non-pilot astronauts earn ratings as private or
commercial pilots, and those who had been military flight surgeons acquired
considerable experience in the back seat of jets (ref. 9). Thus the distinction
between pilot and non-pilot physicians is not always distinct. But for the
purposes of this discussion, I am considering only those who graduated from
military flight training, either before or during their NASA careers. This was
the criterion invoked by Dr. Bohannon, since his candidates were already Air
Force flight surgeons and still he pushed for them to become trained as pilots.
Two dependent variables can be evaluated. The most obvious
is actual spaceflight. Perhaps a more informative variable is flight assignment.
The state of being a physician-astronaut is not an intrinsic characteristic
that independently results in a spaceflight. Such assignments are made by the
astronaut’s superiors. Even if an assignment does not result in a flight, it
reflects the value of the pilot qualification in improving the attractiveness
of a physician-astronaut for that flight.
# physician-astronauts
# flights (total)
average # flights
# flight assignments
average # assignments
To date, 26 of the 28 professional NASA physician-astronauts
have been eligible for assignment to spaceflight during their active careers. Those
meeting the pilot criterion received an average of 2.4 (range 1 to 6) assignments
and made an average of 2.1 (range 1 to 6) flights, slightly exceeding the
average of 1.7 (range 0 to 5) flights and assignments for their non-pilot
counterparts. Rigorous statistical analysis is not appropriate in this case; it
is sufficient for our purposes that all ratios round to the same whole integer:
two spaceflight assignments per physician astronaut, regardless of
NASA’s experience vis-à-vis the contribution of piloting
qualifications to the success of physician astronauts is informative. It is not
obvious that qualification as a first pilot in jet aircraft has led to more
success in spaceflight, as judged by flight assignments. However, from personal
observation, all physician-astronauts performed as well in spaceflight as Dr.
Bohannon had expected of his candidates in the 1960s. This speaks of the
character of people who succeed as astronauts: many of them are able to
undertake more than one complex career path and succeed, including such diverse
skills as medicine and the engineering-intense test pilot training.
Earlier, I noted that NASA was the “other” American space
program in regards to physician-astronauts. In fact, NASA has flown additional
physicians on the Space Shuttle, from Canada, Europe, Japan and Russia as well
as America. Except for the Americans, they were almost always professional
astronauts in their national astronaut corps. Many were private and commercial
pilots or had considerable experience as non-pilot crewmembers aboard aircraft (ref.
9). However, none of them met the Bohannon criterion of pilot-physicians.
Finally, there are still “other” space programs actively
flying astronauts, namely the Russian and Chinese. So far, there have not been
any Chinese physician astronauts flown or even selected for training.
# physician-cosmonauts
# spaceflights
average # flights
The Russian and former Soviet space program has launched seven
physician-cosmonauts a total of 11 times (two flew twice and another one flew
three times) (ref. 3, 10, 11, 12). Two of them met the Bohannon criterion, and one became
a military test pilot after his medical training. A similar analysis can be
performed as for NASA, except the dependent variable must be only actual flight
and not assignment, given the vagaries of flight assignments during the Soviet
era. In this case, there appears to be a disadvantage to being a non-pilot
physician cosmonaut, because they have not been part of the same dominant
cosmonaut cadre formed in 2011 as the pilots and engineers. Therefore, they
were unlikely to have had the same eligibility and access to flight
assignments. One of the non-pilots is currently making his first flight so the
number of spaceflights by non-pilot physician cosmonauts would increase if he
flies again, but their ratio will not soon approach that of the pilot-physician
cosmonauts. The test pilot-physician left medicine completely before becoming a
cosmonaut and devoted himself to aviation, so he was a pilot-physician in name
only, and is now retired.
American (NASA)
Pilot physicians
Thus, in the two
populations of astronauts for which data are available, the trend is for
pilot-physicians to be selected at a higher rate than non-pilot physicians. The
distinction is slightly stronger in the Soviet-Russian case, but no statistical
analysis seems appropriate given the small and uneven sample populations.
Professional astronauts throughout the histories of NASA and
other space agencies have necessarily been generalists in the fields of
spaceflight engineering and science. Physicians have skills that are beneficial
during research and clinical care episodes, but those are not the majority of
in-flight activities on space missions to date. Additional qualification as jet
pilots seems not to have had a major bearing on the success of physicians as
astronauts, probably due to the general preparation and specific training they
have all received for their missions, and the highly integrated nature of space
missions to date.
In conclusion, the hypothesis I have attributed to Dr.
Bohannon has been tested in two separate space programs over the four decades
since he conceived it. The answer so far seems to be: maybe. In the U.S. space
program, there is no meaningful difference in the flight-assignment rate, and
thus programmatic acceptability, of pilot-physicians over non-pilot physicians.
In the Soviet-then-Russian program, there does appear to be a slight numeric
advantage to being a pilot-physician, but the numbers are so small and
confounded as to be unreliable. My assessment is that the null hypothesis
cannot be rejected: there is no meaningful difference in the crew-assignment
frequency of one group over the other. This indicates that both groups are
viewed as equally important in constituting space crews.
Dr. Bohannon identified a need for clinical and biomedical
expertise in early astronaut crew composition, which was already biased in the
direction of operations and away from utilization. He acted to remedy that
weakness within the constraints of his time and situation. His foresight and initiative
helped make possible the diversity of disciplines now considered necessary for
successful space missions and the capacity of modern astronauts to embody those
- For a brief but helpful overview of this military medical specialty, see “Flight surgeon” at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flight_surgeon (retrieved Nov. 3, 2013).
- Mapes, P.B. “The history of the United States Air Force Pilot-Physician Program,” Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine 62:75-80, 1991; http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1996937 (confirmed Nov. 2, 2013).
- Shayler, David J., and Colin Burgess, NASA’s Scientist-Astronauts, Springer-Praxis Publishing, Chichester, UK, 2007.
- National Research Council, Committee on Human Spaceflight Crew Operations, Preparing for the High Frontier: The Role and Training of NASA Astronauts in the Post- Space Shuttle Era, The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C., 2011, pp. 70-78, http://www.nap.edu/download.php?record_id=13227 (retrieved Nov. 1, 2013).
- “Astronaut Biographies,” http://www.jsc.nasa.gov/Bios/ (retrieved Nov. 2, 2013).
- Kelly, G.F. “The history of the United States Navy flight surgeon/naval aviator program,” Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine 69:311-6, 1998.
- One of them, Manley L. Carter, Jr., is documented in United States Navy Test Pilot School, Historical narrative and class information, Supplement for years 1984 to 1992, Fishergate Publishing Co., Annapolis, MD, 1992.
- Koritz, T.F., “USAF Pilot/Physician Program: History, Current Program, and Proposals for the Future,” USAFSAM-TP-89-9, July 1989, specifically comments of Dr. Burt Rowen, p. 24, http://www.dtic.mil/tr/fulltext/u2/a212671.pdf (retrieved Jan. 7, 2013).
- National Research Council, 2011, pp. 70-78.
- Vlassov, Vasiliy, and Igor Ushakov, “Soviet Pilot-Physician Program,” Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine 70:713-6, 1999.
- Hooper, Gordon R., The Soviet Cosmonaut Team, Volume 2: Cosmonaut Biographies, 2nd ed., GRH Publications, Gunton, England, 1990.
- McHale, Suzy, “RuSpace, Cosmonaut Group,” http://suzymchale.com/ruspace/cosgroup.html (retrieved Nov. 2, 2013).